Sacramento Capital Building
Public Notice

Who we are

We believe that service results are a necessity, not a luxury. Placer County Process Service is a professional legal firm who for three and a half decades, has specialized in service of process and the locating of individuals. With a staff who possess high standards and expectations of success, we pride ourselves on producing “results not excuses”. Our experienced and knowledgeable staff are genuinely committed to providing you with excellent service and quick results.

Placer County Process Service offers service in all aspects of the legal field which include without limitation, service of process, investigations for service of process, identification or location of individuals, sub-rosa, document recording and court filings to mention a few. Additionally, Placer County Process Service has particular expertise in locating individuals whether a witness, defendant or plaintiff who fall into the whereabouts unknown category. We have an excellent reputation for providing timely, solid and effective service results in both routine and rush based circumstances. Although small in size by intention, Placer County Process Service is huge in work habits, results and competence.

Placer County Process Service is dedicated to providing our clients with current, accurate and valid information by utilizing our skills, experience and professionalism. Our service of process investigational information is gathered from “live searches” not something located on the internet. This professional method produces exceptional results and is just one of the many facets that separate Placer County Process Service from your standard process server.

Placer County Process Service welcomes the opportunity to provide services to you and your firm regardless of the job size or location. Our staff has the experience and ability to provide quality service at reasonable rates that are firm, fair and consistent. Placer County Process Service has completed many challenges during the last three and a half decades and is ready and willing to take on any new assignment that you or your firm may require. Furthermore, Placer County Process Service can provide you with a video tape of the service should it be necessary for a hearing or court appearance. Each assignment accepted is handled within our office and not sub-contracted out to an individual or other business unknown to you. This ensures that your assignment will be processed and completed in a timely, cost effective manner and returned to your office without delay.

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Public Notice

Telephone and Email Scam Alert

Placer County Process Service is advising the public of email or telephone communication scams from individuals threatening you with a pending lawsuit. The callers then demand money stating they will not serve you legal documents if you settle with them for a cash amount. These telephone calls or emails are not from or authorized by Placer County Process Service. THIS IS A SCAM. DO NOT PAY THEM ANY MONEY IN ANY FORM. PROCESS SERVERS, INVESTIGATORS OR LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS DO NOT COLLECT LAWSUIT SETTLEMENTS.

The public should be aware that such scams are occurring with these same individuals claiming to be from our local Sheriff department as well. Process servers from any company or Deputies from any county do not call making demands for money regarding legal action against you, pending or not. Keep in mind, you know if there is a legal suit pending against you as a defendant or not, however, even if there is, do not pay any money to anyone who attempts to threaten you.

To ease your mind, call the court house in the jurisdiction the caller claims the lawsuit has been filed in. The court clerks can inform you if a lawsuit has been filed against you by providing them with your first and last name. Many times, you may perform a search for yourself on the court’s own web-site.

Anyone with questions about suspicious communications that claim to be from Placer County Process Service, or any other process service firms, should contact that firm directly. Be careful with any 800 number. These numeric area codes are what the scammers use to track, trick and scam you.

Be aware; You CANNOT block your number when calling ANY 800 sequential number i.e., 800, 855, 866, 877, 888 etc.

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